Mommy, Why Is That Rat Wearing an Apron?

This, and many other questions that have never been uttered from my thick and fleshly lips (is that too much imagery for all you’s out there in the land of blog?) could have been asked during this Totally Awesome friendlyfriend Picture Shoot that we had the great pleasure of shooting this past Thursday!

These were all old friends of the Otis & James Empire of Mediocrity (we rarely use this, our formal name as we’re not quite sure of the level of interest that this would raise, or perhaps it would be a ‘crazy like a fox’ strategery, and strategery is a word), so this session was one filled with absolutely nothing but good times, filled with a gooey center and wrapped in a deliscious layer of nuts. Did that sound not right?

Well, rest assured all of you out there in the land of blog and other things, our time with this fantastical group was completely right. It was right in every way, and we found out that the one and only E was great at worshipping. Does that make sense to you? Pro’lly not! But I just don’t care!! That’s how freakin’ crazy I am! Dang! Diggity-Dang!

Alright, now I’m just typing words to make this post look epic in content, but I might as well have a monkey sitting in front of the keyboard, but come to think of it, I am rather monkey-like. So, with all of this in mind, divide it by 3, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


Our Wednesday past (and again, I’m not talkin’ ’bout the one that just went by our heads, I’m talkin’ ’bout the one that passed us by the one past, which passed us by too, but did it a little more recent…you got all that?) concluded with a visit from the one and only Jordan!

He was calm, cool, collected, and ready to totally tear it up during this, our time for superseniorsnaps! He couldn’t have been any better to work with, and the results were, quite simply put, sweet. Well, did you really come here for words, or did you come to get a plate full of wonderful colorful pixels, put together to resemble what can be called…Jordan – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Some Statements In Regards to Erica, by Otis.

Erica is the world’s best assistant.
Erica is wonderful to work with.
Erica made the shoot awesome.
Erica is…totally awesome.

I thought that I should just start this post with some statements. You should be content with just those words, because anything else that I am going to offer up will just dilute what I have spoken to be the truth.

Perphaps those of you out there that are afraid of bold statements like that would like to hear me wax poetic about how Erica was a total and complete rockstar during her shoot, and how our time together just flew by, and how we would like to extend a huge ‘thank you’ to her for being so great, but all of this would just be a crutch for your potentially feeble minds. Some truth might just do you good. A wise man once said, Gimme Some Truth, and I think we should stick to that.

Erica rocks.

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

The Family Cunningham!

Now, sometimes there are just shoots that you go into and you know that it is going to be a rockem-sockem good time for one and all. And (and for all of you students out there, you should never start a sentence with the word ‘and’, but I can, because I’m in charge, and I’m not being graded on this, because I’m the teacher, and y’all are the students…you got that?) this was one of those shoots.

We knew this just from looking at the last name of this family, because we have worked with a couple of the lovely ladies (and I’m not going to say which ones, you’re just gonna have to get all Hardy Boy and figure it out for yourself, but I’ll give you a hint…they just may be twins…or maybe not…or maybe they are) previously, and we knew that if the whole family was like them, we were in store for a super-treat!

What was the verdict, you ask? Well, I was right, the whole family was absolutely wonderful to work with, and I would now like to devote more than two and less than thirty words telling this lovely group ‘thank you’ for taking a little time so late in the day for good ol’ O&J for these sweetsnaps! So there, thank you to them, and to all you’s out there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


What’s the best way to start a Tuesday morning? The Surgeon General (does the General have an army to fight the battles of health? It would be awesome if you were trying to cut out sweets and if you decided to sneak one in, there would be troops kicking down your door, raiding your house, and removing that donut from your grips…hmmmmmm…donuts) recommends like, orange juice and a prune, or something like that, but me, well, I think that the best way to start a Tuesday off is a visit from the one & only Daphne!

Why do I say this? Well, it’s funny you should ask, and if you’re not really asking, just pretend like you have. It’s a great way to start this second day of the work week because her awesomeness and total perfection took away the cobwebs from the collective morning brain that is O&J (we keep it in a jar in Jamies office during the evening hours), and her sunny disposition brightened up our day…hold on…I’m getting a message here…it says that this this section of the sentence about ‘sunny dispositions brightening up our days’ was the most Velveeta thing that has ever transpired between my fingers and the keyboard…so I apologize for that, and let me just tell you that we had an absolutely wonderful time working with this awesome Senior, and we would now like to stop all of this typing and get to the goods that are just waiting to be got a mere few words away. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Craig & Jessica

This past Saturday Saturday past (that’s two, y’all) The Caravan of Love that is Otis & James pulled back home, to the Minot station, just in time for the nuptuals (that means wedding, y’all) of the one and only Craig & Jessica (that means Bride & Groom, y’all!)

Could it really have been a year since our first meeting, with this lovely Bride…could it be that we were actually here on the day? How suspensful is this question, really, since I would never really type a post for a wedding that has not occured, and if you happen to have any sort of peripheral vision, you could pro’ly (that’s kool speak for ‘probably’) see that there are photographs at the bottom of this post, and you may even be able to make through the haze that is this peripheral vision a wedding dress, tuxedoes, and all the other goods that make up a wedding day.

So the next question becomes, ‘why is this person…this otisjames…spending all of my sweeth and prescious time on such rhetorical questions? I am afraid to tell you…I mean all you alls that I don’t really have an answer for you. All that I really have are some totally and completely awesome photo-graphs from a totally and completely awesome wedding day! How was all of this possible, you ask? It was all made possible from the lovely Bride & Groom (& Wedding Party Too), and for all of this awesomeness, we would like to extend a huge O&J Thank You (and again, I have no idea why I should capitalize this) to one and all for being so great to work with.

You got all that? Are you going to print these words off and keep it in your wallet? Thought so. So, without any more delay, I present Craig & Jessica – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

Joe & Cheri

We’re now going to step into the Otis & James Wayback Machine (which can be purchased from The Sharper Image…look for their Holiday Catalog soon!), all the way back to the time that was two whole Fridays ago, and in a land called Bismarck (did I mention that the Caravan of Love pulled out of the Minot station and headed down to this loverly land?), for the occasion of the absolutely gorgeous wedding of the equally gorgeous Joe & Cheri!

I could go on and on and on with rambling words that would feebly describe the awesomeness that was this wedding day (for example, the recreation of the cover art from my absolute favorite Beatles album of all time, Abbey Road), but what good would I really be doing? Would you, the faithful of the blog, really come out of this post any more enlightened than you already are?

So, instead of wasting any more time getting to the goods (and I know that you’re all really here for the pics and not the words), I will now only say Thank You (and I have no idea why I am capitalizing this) to this wonderful couple and their sweetlysweet Wedding Party for being so great to work with, and to all of the peeping peeps out there in blogland – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings


Our Monday came to a wonderful conclusion with a visit from the simply wonderful Katelynn (and her equally wonderful assistant, Erica!) And just why did Katelynn decide to stop down to the FunCenter on this lovely day? Well, it was not just to say hi, it was instead to get some superawesometacularSeniorSnaps (eventually I’m just going to take the spaces out of the entire post and just create one long word that would describe what is occuring)!

I’ll tell you what, we had a great time working with Katelynn (& assistant…the world’s best assistant) and I will go as far to say that we were able to get some totally awesome snaps! My favorite part was when I had no problem sending both Jamie & Erica up some crazy fire escape, but yet personally refused to do so myself. I’m a regular knight in freakin’ armor! A real Gent – that’s me!

Okaydokey then (this is another expression that people with thick North Dakotan accents should not use), let us now take just a little bit of time before we lose our minds on just how gorgeous her pics look, and say thank you to Katelynn for coming down and brightening up our lives! Muchos Gracias (that is some foreign language for ‘Thanks, Then’), and it’s on to the pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

It’s Lindsay, Y’all…Can You Dig?

I don’t know what it is, but I really seem to be using the expression ‘dig’ more frequently than I ever have before. Perhaps I am morphing into some 1970’s man, with a perm…and a mustache…and polyester…sweet sweet polyester. Or maybe this is the person that I’ve always been, and I’m finally unlocking my true self. Whatevs.

We need to do a little talking about this lady, this lovely person, this one that we call ‘Lindsay.’ We need to do a little talking about how awesome she was to work with. We need to go over how she had such great ideas, and we also need to do some discussing about how she was a total pro to work with. After we’ve taken a half an our lunch, our discussion of ‘Lindsay’ will continue with a short presentation on how we would like to thank older brough-ham Shawn* for assisting with the shoot, and to North Hill Bowl for their help, and finally, we will conclude with a PowerPoint presentation on ‘Thank You’ to Lindsay for being so great, and for making the time just fly on by!

Alright. E.mail me back if you can do the meeting, and what kind of sandwich you would like for lunch – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

*Thanks to Shawn for the Correction – Peace Yo.

Categorized as Seniors

Lance & Darla!

Shucks, man…I know you’ve been waitin’ for this, but I just hadda build up the suspense as much as I possibly could, yo.

What I’m saying to you, is that the wait if ovah! But one more thing before we go to that special place where as a child I’d hide…whoa…G’N’R flashback…but before we get to the totally awesome snaps of this wonderful couple that we had the great pleasure of ending our day with this past Thursday (and it was even the L-Man’s B-Day!), I’d just like to take a minute and thank this gorgeous couple for making time for O&J.

We know the journey was far, and we can’t tell you how much that means to us! A’ight (I think I’m really starting to speak street!) then, let us dispatch with all of these words, and divert our attention to the space below, where the gorgeousosity of this couple is gonna rock your socks off – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement