Here They Are… Jadee & Gage!

I don’t mean to complain or anything, but Kinzo has a waaaaaaaayyyy nicer office chair than I do. I mean… it is fancy pleather of something. It has a tall back, chrome frame, I’m committing one of the deadly sins by even saying this, and that sin is known as envy. Why am I bringing this up? Well, the Old Man is in my chair and Kinzo is in the Queen’s chair, leaving me in Kinzo’s chair. I thought to myself, while I’m here, I’d get that off my chest.

I’m done now.

I’ll take the rest of my time here to introduce you to two fine kids by the name of Jadee & Gage! They are siblings, in case you thought they were cousins, second cousins, a young engagement couple, married, arch enemies, friends, superheroes, college roomates, high school sweehearts, strangers, partners in crime or anything else if that nature. I have a feeling they most likely are partners in crime and siblings, but I’ll leave it at that. Gage came ready to go with a tool belt; his sister didn’t for some reason, which escapes me. If your brother had a tool belt, and was bringing it to the FunCenter, wouldn’t you run out and buy your own?

I guess not, but my opinion isn’t that great… my idea of a good time is endless hours of Batman the Animated Series and the consumption of dried cranberries. Fortunately, Jadee rocked in her own right, without the need of a tool belt. It was a rocking, wrenching, all around good time with you guys — please do come back!


All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


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