A Lovely Day For Hannah!




It may be the end of the week, but we’re still going to give you some more pictographicgoodness to gaze upon, and this time it is the oh so lovely Hannah!

My peeps.  My peeps out there enjoying this summer day that has arrived a couple of months too late, let me tell you a little something.  Hannah, you see, was simply a gem to work with!  Top notch in every way.  Our time with her flew by in a torrent of smiles & cuteness – but you don’t need these words to tell you that, you just have to look above these words and you’ll see that what I’m saying is the straight dope.

I could go on, but why?  Everything you need to know is right there in photographic form.  So let me know just give MuchLove to Hannah for stopping by the o and the j to have her seniorpictosnaps taken, and let me tell you good peeps out there in Blogville t0 – Enjoy!

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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