Again With the Old Friends!

Our cavalcade of weddings past continued this afternoon with a visit from our old friends the Family Bakk! Going back to the archives for an oldy-but-goody (after typing oldy, I’m pretty sure the reason that we never see this word typed is because it kind of reminds me of moldy), you will find the previous visit from this wonderful family!

It was a lovely way to end the day, and our time together was filled with laughs, some dancing, a couple of tears, and a fancy new coat (Otis had the coat, Shawn cried, James Danced, and Adrianna…wait, I think I have that all wrong.) Regardless of this confusion, fun was indeed had by all! You can actually measure the amount of fun that was had by the number of exclamation points in this post. !!! – it just increased by three, suckas! Make that four! I can’t stop myself! Enjoy!!!!!!!!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photographhy

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Wow! Well these are amazing! There must be something in the studio of Otis and James that brings out the best in people! Or maybe it is the wonderful duo behind the camera that gives one another balance and yet craziness that brings it all out….

    You guys are the best!!

  2. Hey Bakk Family!!

    Love the pictures. Your hair looks great, Kausha!! I guess I should say all of your hair looks great (Since I cut it all). But I really love the shorter hair, Kausha (especially since you did it yourself!!!)


  3. I see that the Bakk family of North Hill have once again visited the Otis and James studio. Might I add that you all look awesome. Mad props goes out to Otis and James (whom I saw yesterday!) Fantastic job for everyone!


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