
Up next for the day was a visit from none other than little man from Sunny San Diego! Even though he could have made the journey solo style, he also took along Ma & Pa for company, and to drive the car. This young man was a total and complete rockstar – he was pulling out poses like Zoolander!

I may not be totally impartial, as this young man is also the nephew of Otis (that sounds like the begats – I was going to link this too but I don’t know how far out there we should go), so my point of view may be somewhat tainted. But I think the photographs speak for themselves, and I think this boy is gonna hit it big!

We want to thank everyone for coming down to the studio and helping make this a great time – Ma, Pa & Grandma were all awesome!

Enough of all this jibber-jabber, and let’s move on to the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


This morning we had some baby madness going down at the Otis & James Fun Zone (I think that’s what we should call the studio, but it seems really Planet Pizza-ish, without the pizza or anything else for that matter…)!

Up first was the absolutely lovely Makenna!  We had a great time working with this awesome young lady, as well as with her assistants (Mom, Dad, & Grandma)!  We thank them all for taking time to visit us, and would now like to see some of the fun – Enjoy!


All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


For the first time in a long time, O&J Central was honored to have an actual Senior – this one going by the name of Cassie – come through the glass doors of the Super Studio! It seems like just yesterday that we would spend every day trudging through all sorts of inclement conditions to deliver the goods (that sounds strange, but rest assured it is all good.)

Well, today we did it all over again – and miracle of miracles the weather today was totally and completely rockin’! I swear, it was like 80º and sunny…or it felt like it – but it was indeed Sunny! This, however, was not the only thing shining – our new friend Cassie was shining bright as well!

She had a ton of great ideas, and she truly kicked it up about seventeen notches here in the Fun Zone in order to make her portraits awesome. Well, seeing as how even I don’t know what it is that I am writing anymore, me thinks we need to just move on to some sample snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Kelly & Nikki!

Today we had the good fortune of meeting some new Otis & James friends, Kelly & Nikki! They came from a place far away to be with us (I speak as if we live in a time in which travel across a state is a far fetched idea). This super-rockin’ duo was a blast to work with, and we look forward to their wedding day!

For now, we will have to tide ourselves over with some of their fantastic engagement photographs – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

The Children of Weyrauch!

After a nice break in which we were filled to the brim many times over with Christmas Cheer (and prime rib), we were back at it again today – and this time we had the great pleasure of working with the Children of Weyrauch!

We had a great time working with this totally awesome (does that sound too 80’s??), and our time together was filled with many sweet snaps! We thank them for making the trek to O&J land this morning, and would now like to offer up a couple of snappy-snaps from our time together – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

We’ve Got Somethin’ Cookin’!!!

If there are Southern colloquialisms in the tittle, you know it’s gonna be good (Jamie just loves it when my grammar digresses this far.) I’m not going to say all that much right now, but there’s going to be something totally sweet coming from the O&J Palace of Portraits this spring…stay tuned!

For now, try to put the puzzle together from these sweet snaps (much love to Emily – I remembered your name!! – and McKinzey for rocking so hard) that were served up just the other day.


All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

DBDBCU v.8 . Lunski Edition

This afternoon we met up with (how do ya like me not using ‘were joined by’ for this one? Tricky, huh?) our new friends the Family Lunski! This totally rockin’ group was great – from the oldest to the youngest you’ve never met an easier going group! We thank one and all for making the time to visit our little part of Downtown this fine afternoon, and would like to offer up a couple of snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

DBDBCU v.7 . Jon Edition

It seems like it should be called THE Jon Edition, but I hate to break with style – what to do??!! Putting this quandry aside, this afternoon we were joined by our new friend Jon and his assistant (Mom) for some good ol’ fashioned Senior Portraits! It seems like just yesterday that we would run all around this great region with Seniors in the back of shady automobiles in search of the perfect sunset…how time flies.

I will tell you this – scheduling a shoot in December can be a touch and go sort of thing, but today was absolutely gorgeous! I think that it was something like 68º (or maybe in the mid forties – something like that), which isn’t an everyday occurence the day before the day before Christmas. Jon and his assistant were great to work with, and we thank them for making the trek to see us today. We hope that the movie was good (I hear that Kong destroys all of New York and becomes President of the world, or something like that), and we offer up some pics from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DBDBCU v.6 . Shawna Edition

This past Wednesday evening we were again joined by an old friend – this time it was Shawna! Take a look at her other posts here and here. As you can see, she is totally and completely a dream to work with! So it was with great excitement that we (actually it just started off as being a solo Otis shoot – I bet some even wondered if still know how to use a camera) came into this evening!

As usual, Shawna was great, and her special guest star (Dad) was great as well. We thank them for this thrilling conclusion, and offer up a snap from the evening – Enjoy!

Image ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DBDBCU v.5 . Weikamp Edition

That’s all I’m going to say because it’s true.
Thank you for bringing your awesome selves down to visit us this past Wednesday evening – you were great!

(Is this a Haiku?)

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits