Bismarck Prom Wrap-Up Report


You want Proof? Well…Here You Go. Oh, MuchLove & ManyThanks to one and all that came out to Fiancée 2 this past Saturday, and to everyone else out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Live Blogging :: Cruisin’ Brah

Narcissus |närˈsisəs| Greek Mythology

‘A beautiful youth who rejected the nymph Echo and fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. He pined away and was changed into the flower that bears his name.’

And we’re pretty much ready and waiting to turn into that flower.


All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

Bismarck Prom Pics at Fiancée 2!

Gather ’round, my good friends of bliggitlyblog, I come to you today with the good news that for the first time every, Otis & James will be offering SweetlySweet Prom Pics at Fiancée 2 in Bismarck! And now, the bullet points:

  • When :: Saturday April 26th
  • Time :: 4PM-9PM
  • Where :: Fiancée 2/Prom ::  114 North 5th Street ::  Bismarck (Click HERE For a Map)
  • Cost :: $50

WOWZAAAH! So you have the bullet points, but let me give you a little bit more info. As it says, we are only doing walk-ins. So, you just stroll on into Fiancée 2, you pay the money, you get called into the shooting area (don’t worry, camera’s only…no guns) where you choose between two different areas to shoot on, and after a awesomely sweet righteous short amount of time, you will be on your way out our door and out to Prom!

A week later there will be a gallery of the final images posted on our website, and you will have three images to choose from. You will have $30.00 in credit to use at our studio to then order prints! For two weeks from the date the gallery is posted, we will be offering special pricing to our prom friends, which is:

  • (8) Wallets :: $10
  • (2) 5×7’s :: $10
  • (1) 8×10 :: $10

You can order any pose you like, and you can order as much as you want (even over the $30!) Wahoo!

ATTENTION! GROUP SHOT INFO!! The cost for group shots is $10.00 per person in the shot. For example, you got six people in a group you want a picture of…it’s gonna cost you $60.00. Let’s hear it for basic math!  (Max Six People Per Group)


Holy Cow, that was sweet! Alright, you have all of the information, and please call us at 701.838.6181, or e.mail us at with any additional questions. We hope to see you there!



Tax Included With All Prices
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Yo! Magic City Prom Peeps!

This is your fearless leader, or…your lead-less fearer here to remind everyone that the Prom Galleries are all online and ready to go.  There is a big link on our homepage, but I’ll give them to you here as well.

Prom Gallery I

Prom Gallery II

These galleries were posted on 4.19.2008, which means that you have until the end of business day on Saturday May 3rd to take advantage of the special pricing offered to our Prom Clients!

Click HERE to see the original information about Prom Pics and the special pricing.

Alright, get back to your lives now, but if you would like, e.mail us at or call us at 701.838.6181 with any additional questions.


Kristy & Josh

Oh my.  We need to immediately pack our bags and get in to the Otis & James WayBack Machine [ed. I thought we sold that?] and venture back to a time and a place that, for conversational blogging purposes we shall call ‘Not That Long Ago…But Too Long to Wait For A Blog Post’, and the reason why we need to ride the WayBack Machine to this time is so we can have the good fortune and experience the bliss that was the wedding of Kristy & Josh!

Alright, I know the WayBack Machine smells of gasoline and old McDonald’s, but you’re gonna have to bear with me as we really have to get back there and quickly, because time is and has been a-wastin’ and like, we really really really need to see the wonderfulness that was and is Kristy & Josh!

Are you with me…yeah…alright…we’re drifting now…just keep staring out the passenger window to see the goodness, and whilst you be doing that I’m gonna lay it on you like this.  We had a totally and completely sweetlyawesome time working with this awesome couple and their double awesome [ed. That’s three awesome’s right there, folks.   Count them.  Three.]  wedding party, as we went from sweet location to sweet location in search of the perfect wedding pic!  We offer one and all that were involved with this triple-thread of awesome MuchLove & ManyThanks for bringing their A-Game [ed. Seriously, dude, you’ve never played a sport in your life, stop trying to use the sport metaphors, alright??]

Alright, I can see that you’re jonesing to see what I’m talking about, so I’m gonna take the WayBack Machine down to cruising altitude, now that’s it…just a little bit now…there they are!  Right below these words…oh, and one more thing – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

April 19th Schedule (No Prom At o&j!)

Hello there, it’s your old friend Otis here to remind anyone that has a prom on Saturday April 19th…Otis & James is not going to be available for photographs at our studio.  Due to a previously scheduled event, we will be out of town and unable to provide any services this day.

If you have any questions, please e.mail us at

That is all, otis out.

Smell The Roses

Let me tell you a little bit about the FunCenter.  For those of you that have been here before, you know that when you walk in, you first encounter our gallery area.  If you were to venture behind the orange curtain in the corner, you would wind up in the studio.  If you were to venture to the left and down the stairs, you would find yourself in our client reception area.  The red couch zone.  This is the area where you place your orders, take naps on the couches, or just plain ol’ chillax.

If you were to go through a door in our basement that says ‘Employees Only’, you would find yourself in the NerveCenter of the FunCenter.  This is where the sausage is made…or…this is where the magic happens…or…this is where the wizard lives.  This is also where we spend most of our day.  In the windowless basement, with only a TV monitor image of what it looks like through the front door to let us know what is happening in the outside world.  It’s like being in a casino – you don’t know if it is day or night, as it’s always relatively well lit and 71º; the monotony occasionally broken up by the hideously garish wail of the buzzer that goes off when you walk through the front door, the ringing of the phone, or the constant tapping of Otis’s foot to some unheard song.

We are the basement dwellers.  We make the sausage.  The thing about making sausage is that you really don’t want to know how it happens, you just want to be able to enjoy the final product.  It’s not all rock-and-roll all the time.  In fact, we sometimes forget that about ten feet above our heads is a totally awesome studio, just waiting to bring joy to whomever steps foot inside!  Today, we let it bring joy to ourselves.

After our last shoot, I called downstairs and notified the basement dwellers that they needed to come upstairs immediately.  Now, I’m going to let you in on another little thing that – as boss – I love to do.  I like to call employees to meet with me for an unknown reason.  When they arrive, I will say to them something to the extent of, ‘There’s something that I need to talk to you about…’, and I’ll do this in my most serious voice.  I can tell that they’re starting to get freaked out…I can see the gears in their heads spinning and wondering what it is that they are going to get in trouble for.  Panic!  Alas, my friends, they are never in trouble, it’s usually to tell them some relatively useless piece of information, or to tell them that they are doing a good job, or are getting a raise, or something like that.  If you find yourself in the boss position, try it someday – it’s fun!

Continuing on with the story, I called the dwellers upstairs, which on this fine day consisted of Emily & Maureen.  I could hear the pitter-patter of their feet as they ascended the stairs and rounded the corner into the studio where I was seated.  I motioned them to come over to me, and when they were near, I notified them that it was time for an emergency picture taking session.

Rejoice!  We were able to escape the basement for a few precious moments, and experience the love stu-stu-studio has to give!  We have to practice from time to time, we have to stop and smell the roses.  What good is having a rockem-sockem good time studio if we’re not able to use it from time to time, right?!  After a few minutes, we shut the lights off, turned the music down, pulled the backdrops up, and wandered back down to the basement, back to work making the sausage.

Even on the worst days, we have an incredible job!


All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

Prom Wrap-Up Report

Greetings, my good friends of Blog!  I come to you tonight, or this morning, or whatever it currently is with the news that Prom Pics this past Saturday at FunCenter were – for lack of a better word – totally awesome!

We would like to take a second and thank everyone for stopping by and making it so wonderful – and we’d also like to thank our intrepid staff (calling them a staff really makes them seem official!) for helping out as well [ed.  Did they really have a choice?  It seems like you just scheduled them and they showed up.  What do I know, I’m not ‘Mr. Otis’ like some fancy-pants is around here].

We hope to have the images up and good to go by the end of the week, so keep your eyes peeled for when they are.  In addition, if you have any questions about your prom pics, just call the studio at 701.838.6181, or e.mail us at and we’ll help you out.

Until then, you can click the thumbnail for a teaser of the goodness.  Well, it’s sleepytime now, so I got’s to go.


All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography