A Stroll Down Memory Lane…With Anzley.

I was just going through some of our soft & velvety senior pics from years past and happened to come across one greasy gem of a pic of a lovely girl named Anzley!  Her feathery senior shoot lasted for hours while Jamie drove her aimlessly around town in search of that perfect pic – it got to be so long that her parents eventually called the police on us and we spent the night in jail!  OMG so much fun!

Editing her gooey session was left to the always milky Adam, and he did a fantastic job of capturing her ‘teen spirit’ – as the song says (RIP KURT.)  This particular picture truly captures her rich personality as she straddles the threshold from high school into adulthood…such a tender age.  These trips down memory lane are so oily!


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Good morning!  And as the old saying goes, Thank God It’s Friday – and it is especially well illustrated in the picture above (and btw, we did not take this picture – in fact I was unable to find an accreditation for the image because I would gladly give it, so all I’m going to say is that to whomever took this pic, keep on keepin’ on my friend, because you’ve won the internet.)

Back to the point.  It’s Friday.  Normally we don’t post all that much on the website on this day that ends the week because we figure that you’re sick of the internet by this point and the last thing you want to do is look at anything other than the clock that will let you know that it’s time to leave school/work.  But today we’re going to hit you over the head with some totally awesome goodness.

So, sit back, relax, and be sure to check in throughout the day because we’re going to not only be putting up some lovely seniors, but we’re also going to have a special offer that will only be for the quickest of the quick!  And it’s a good offer too.  So, TGIF my babies!

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Janae Praise God even when you dont understand what He’s doing.

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Please Welcome The Newest Addition To The O&J Family…

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At 2:33PM on Thursday, April 7th 2011, our world got a little bit brighter with the addition Graham Giovanni.  This as of yet unnamed handsome man weighed in at 6lbs 6oz., and measured 18.5 inches in length.  Mom, Dad & Son are all happy and healthy & resting after a busy day.  We are so, so, so happy right now!

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2012 Summer Senior Portraits

Yo.  You’ve waited long enough.  The 2011 Seniors are old news.  Now is your time, my friend!  Now go, and CLICK THIS GIANT LINK so you can checketh-out all the goodness that is The 2012 Summer Senior Portrait Session!

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2011 Prom

Are you ready for this?  Do you think you can handle it?  Are you stoked?  Are you having a stroke?  Then you should seek medical attention, if not, then CLICK THIS GIANT LINK to find out all the details of The O&J 2011 Prom!

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The O&J Wedding…One of a Kind

Are you getting married?  Do you like pictures?  Well the, I think that we could be a perfect mix!  Please check out the goodness that is The Otis & James Wedding – it’s a thing of beauty, I tell you!

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Graduation Announcements

The time is now for you to place your graduation announcement order!  Don’t dilly-dally, drag your feet, or anything else that implies taking your own sweet time.  Take a look at what we offer, and start getting your ideas together and let’s get this ball rolling (CLICK THIS GIANT LINK TO BEGIN BALL ROLLING.)

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