Old Friends!

Yesterday, we were oh so happy to be together again with an Otis & James Original, the Family Iglehart! It just seems like yesterday that we were at the park in Garrison taking their engagement photos.

We’ve changed a little since then; we’re no longer just a desk with a little sign saying Otis & James, and likewise, the Family Iglehart (if I capitalize Family, it makes it seem like they should have a song and dance act worked up – which they very well could, I guess that we’ve never asked) has increased by one since our last visit. How time flies! Did you know why the man threw the clock out the window?

We thank one and all for making the trip up to see us, and we wish them a big congratulations on their new addition! I’ll stop this novel I’m writing and get to the good part – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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