Senior Open House Today!!!!

In case you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out the ‘Open House‘ link on the homepage (or just click the ‘Open House‘ link that appears mere words before these words.)

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and most of all, be sure to tell any and all 2007 Seniors to come on down to the Otis & James Funcenter today, March 19th, between 12-6 for our super-deluxe Senior Open House!

Now, for those of you with AARP memberships, I mean High School Seniors. Not that we have anything against AARP, or senior citizens. In fact, we love seniors of all shapes, sizes and age groups. It’s just that this one is for the kids. Just thought that I would clear that up.

As a teaser, check the Nano – it’s here and just waiting for the big drawing later today…will you be the lucky winner?

:: click thumbnail for larger ::

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. can i bring my grandma? and will there be refreshments? is otis signing autographs?

    say no more.


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