
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. So I know all the babies on this latest blog entry… weird! Arianna you are too cute! Fat Al sends his love and says he misses you.

  2. Arianna!
    you are such a cutie you must take after me even though we are not blood related!

    oh baby buchs!

  3. Hey O & J,

    I hope you miss me right now! Jamie I hope you don’t miss your laptop too much!!!
    THANK YOU so much for taking these wonderful, excellent, beautiful pictures of our gorgeously cutie cute daughter. We can’t wait to get all the enlargements We’ve got planned for our house!

    You guys are too awesome – keep rockin’


    Mama and Daddy Buchs

  4. Scott and Kacie…she is absolutely beautiful. Even more adorable than I remember!(which is pretty hard to beat). 🙂 I wish I could be there to see her (and you too, of course).


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