Maureen loves the movie Sister Act!
James Loves Twisted Sister!
Otis cried at the end of The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Otis has issues.
MuchLove & ManyThanks to Elysha & Brook (two more sistahs we love!) for stopping by FunCenter for some sweetlysnaps, and to all my good friends of Blog – Enjoy!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
Oh, Elysha! You are adorable. I love the pictures!
what the heck….look at these two diva bootie bom rockstars!!!!!!!! lookin totally hot ladies!!!!
ohhh look how adorable you girls are! ahhh so cute!… i would probably never guess you girls were sisters though!
you girls are so pretty where did you girls get your clothes at i love the pictures