Prom Wrap-Up Report

Greetings, my good friends of Blog!  I come to you tonight, or this morning, or whatever it currently is with the news that Prom Pics this past Saturday at FunCenter were – for lack of a better word – totally awesome!

We would like to take a second and thank everyone for stopping by and making it so wonderful – and we’d also like to thank our intrepid staff (calling them a staff really makes them seem official!) for helping out as well [ed.  Did they really have a choice?  It seems like you just scheduled them and they showed up.  What do I know, I’m not ‘Mr. Otis’ like some fancy-pants is around here].

We hope to have the images up and good to go by the end of the week, so keep your eyes peeled for when they are.  In addition, if you have any questions about your prom pics, just call the studio at 701.838.6181, or e.mail us at and we’ll help you out.

Until then, you can click the thumbnail for a teaser of the goodness.  Well, it’s sleepytime now, so I got’s to go.


All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. yo!

    LOVE the max and hope pics!

    i’m excited to see more…!

    keep up the awesome photo-making(as if you’d just suddenly suck?! yeah right)


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