Oh. Yeah…Hello There, Friend!

Again, it’s been far too long since we’ve last talked.  But I told you, we’re going to do this more often.  And starting right now.  So, what I’m about to hit you over the head with are a bunch of beautiful supersamplesnaps that have been taken over the past few…well…months.  Yeah.  we have some catch-up to do.  As my third grade teacher Ms. Greene used to say, we’re going to have a ‘ketchup & mustard day.’

Now, I just liked that sound of that because it made me think of hamburgers & hotdogs, both a delicious part of life.  At the time, I didn’t realize that this meant that we had fallen behind in her lesson plan, and we needed to cover some serious ground before we graduated into the fourth grade.  Now, that really has nothing to do with much of anything, other than it was just what popped into my head at this given moment, and any true citizen of blogville will know that most of the words that go up on these digital pages are just what randomly pops into my head.  Well, now that we’ve had that detour into my brain, back to the business at hand.

So, catch-up we will do.  There have been many many people that have passed through the doors of the FunCenter over the last couple of months, and we would like to give them all a huge digital-hug, and a big ol’ mess of MuchLove for giving us some of their sweet and precious time!  Without you, we truly are nothing at all!  Really.  I would be exposed as the dripski that I truly am without each & every one of you backing me up saying, ‘we know you’re a drip, but we still like you!’  So for that, I’m eternally grateful.

So, without any further delay, I invite you to sit back, relax, and get ready to see some visual goodness that is pretty much guaranteed to knock your socks off – again, not because of anything that we’ve done, it’s because each & every one of the good peeps featured in these coming blogs are all so beautiful!  And you, the faithful of blog that have stuck with us through thick and thin – Enjoy!

Categorized as Musings

Lindsey & Matt

Now, I could waste your time with all sorts of silly words about just how wonderful it was to work with Lindsey & Matt (as well as their wedding party & families too), but there’s no need for all of that.  Because anybody that knows this gorgeous couple already knows this.  And plus, who needs words when you have these lovely samplesnaps below to gaze at?!

So, without any further delay – well, actually a little bit of delay, as we need to give a huuuuuuuuuge MuchLove to Lindsey & Matt for letting us be a part of their day – and now, without any further delay – Enjoy!

::  click images for larger  ::

Categorized as Weddings

Alright…Let’s Take a Breather.

You see?!  I wasn’t kidding.  Now that’s a lot of sweet sweet senior pictographic goodness that just went down there.  And there’s still more yet to come.  But we need to relax for just a second to let all you good peeps catch your breath.  There will be more in just a bit!