GRGG v.5 || The Anjuli (& Puppies Too) Edition!

Who doesn’t love dogs?  Well, I’m sure there are people out there that don’t.  And actually, I’m sure that there are quite a few people that don’t.  I’m sure some people are cat people, some people are hamster people, and some people are even snake people.  Looking at that sentence, I guess that I would never really care to be categorized as a ‘hamster person’, but that’s just my own opinion.  Back to the matter at hand.

Somebody that loves dogs is the one & only Anjuli!  And because of that, she’s alright in my book.  So no matter what, Anjuli, you’ve got that going for you.  You know.  Being alright in my book.  Sooo…yeah.  OK then, let us give a huge MuchLove & ManyThanks to the ever lovely Anjuli & her wonderful pupperhounds, and to you, all my lovely peeps of blog, be sure to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

GRGG v.4 || The Family Stayton Edition!

Hello there.  It’s me again.  I’ll bet you’ll never be able to guess why it is that I am here.  So I’ll tell you why.  I’m here because there’s happy family pictures for you to look at.  And is there any other better reason for me to be here than that?  And did that sentence really make any sense?  The answer is no to both of those questions.  So I suggest that now, we put all of these silly words aside and take in these lovely pictosnaps.  And a word of advice to all of you out there – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

GRGG v.3 || The Family Berg Edition!

Did you know that in their free time, The Family Berg practice intricate line dancing routines that have won awards around the world?  Well, now you do!  Actually, I’m not sure if that is actually a fact, but it seems to me that I heard something about it once.  Or maybe I dreamt it.  Oh well.  Either way, we had the goodlygreat pleasure of working with them in the not so distant past, and we would like to give them a big ol’ MuchLove for stopping by the FunCenter!  Oh, and to all you other good Friends of Blog – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

GRGG v.2 || The Courtney Edition!

So you’re sitting there thinking that you might want to be a model someday?  Well, you’d better make an appointment to spend some time with this lovely little lady, because she can show you the ropes.  Not gonna lie, she’s a total pro.  MmmmmHmmm.  Much Love to Courtney & her entourage (Mom) for giving us a little bit of their sweet & precious time, and to all you other good peeps of blog sitting out there enjoying your summer afternoon – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

GRGG v.1 || The Family Blotter Edition!

You know what I like?  Well, you probably don’t.  But, one of the things that I like is The Family Blotter!  You know why?  Because they’re awesome.  And you can take that all the way to the bank.  But there’s no cash value.  But enough of this blather, sit back, relax, and – Enjoy!

Categorized as Portraits

Grumble Rumble Grumble Grumble (GRGG)

That is the sound of a sleeping Otis being awoken.  Take heed, good peeps of blog…there’s about to be some sweet sweet photographic goodness coming on down the pipeline right now.  You ready?  Great.  Let’s do this thang.

Categorized as Asides