BEHOLD! It’s Alexis & Scott!

OK.  I’ll admit it.  Sometimes I’m in the dark here a little bit at the Otis & James Emporium of Fun and Photo-graphy.  Some might say that I’m detached, or aloof.  But I’m really not – I’m just too cool for skool…HUZZZAHHH!  But sometimes, when gathering up images that will be a part of an online gallery or a blog post, I just ask myself ‘Did we really shoot that?  Because I have no idea what is going on here.’ – and I’m finding myself in this pickle right now.

Because this beautiful couple that we had such a great pleasure working with, well…their shoot is going along like you would normally think.  Lovely pics, all couple-ly and what not, and then – suddenly – lab coats & beakers.  I have no idea.  None.  I wasn’t in the shoot and my lovely partner Queen James is busy having a baby, so I’m just going to chalk this up to ‘well, we’ve done that now.’  The pics are great, by the way.  In fact, I wish we had more beakers in our shoots!

The need for delay being gone, now we shall give MuchLove to this lovely couple, and we shall remind all you good peeps of blog to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Engagement

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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