Adrienne & Brandon

Adrienne & Brandon

Before the great floods came, before a world filled with information about cubic feet per second, when our rivers were just the same old rivers they always were, there was this magical time and place – back just a few weeks ago in the glorious first weekend in May, when the Otis & James Caravan of Love & Pictography rolled on out of Minot town and into Bismarck town (B-Town, as the hipsters like to call it.)

And what was this special occasion, you ask?  Well, I’m just the person to tell you!  You see, we ventured down to the Capitol city for the lovely wedding of the one & only Adrienne & Brandon!  It was a wonderful day – not just in regards to the barometric pressure and wind speed (although, they both seemed to be quite nice, but I’m not a meteorologist, I’m just a simple photographer man), it was a wonderful day because this couple made it that way!

It was a zero stress event, and it was also the first one that the one & only Queen James worked with us since she went off and had her lovely child!  At first, we were nervous about that.  What if Jamie didn’t know how to work the camera any more?  What if she could only talk to adults like they were children?  What if her direction and sense of style moved on from cutting edge to something more along the lines of ‘mom-pants’?

Rest assured, my dear friends, it was clear from the very moment that she slammed her first Red Bull that Queen James was back, and she was ready to destroy that camera.  And destroy it she did, my dear friends.  She destroyed it with gorgeous, beautiful images – the kind that have earned her the title of Queen.  But none of it would have been possible without the hard work of every single person that worked with us during this wonderful event – from the Bride & Groom all the way down to the people at the reception that were ready, willing and able to tear it up on the dance floor.

So, we would now like to give a huuuuuge MuchLove to this wonderful couple for letting us be a part of their wedding day, and we could think of no better way to lead off the 2011 wedding season!  Oh, and to the rest of you good people out there in Land of Blog that continue fighting the good fight – Enjoy!

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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