It was BradyMania at the FunCenter the other day! Â One of our o&j peeps, we’ll call her ‘Kacie’ – well, she went through this phase where she would only allow people that had the name ‘Brady’ to book their pics with us. Â After some explaining that this might not be the best business model, and after she took a much needed…vacation…everything went back to normal. Â But, while she was in this weir place, she managed to book this Brady! Â So, all in all – it was a win for us. Â BOOM. Â That’s how it’s done. Â Forget these words, let’s get to the goods. Â MuchLove to Brady for stopping down and letting us get the snippitysnap on (I can’t believe I just typed that), and to all the good citizens of Blogville out there – Enjoy!
Senior Quick Teaser || The Second Brady