A Senior Quick Teaser || Featuring Amy!

On the day that I am typing these words, it is Election Day – November 6th, 2012.  Now, you may be reading these words and looking at these pictures 17 years in the future in the middle of summer (and if so – how is the weather?  And do we have flying cats yet?) – but as I write this it is that day.  And the only advice I could give you is to Vote Amy!  Because she is awesome.  And we need awesome people in this world.  Especially ones that look super awesome in their seniorsamplesnap pics all up on this here blog.

So there.  Maybe you’re reading this today and are looking for a good write-in candidate (just write ‘Amy’ and let them figure it out) or maybe you’re reading this in the future and cats are flying all around you (that kind of sounds scary now that I see it.)  Either way, MuchLove to Amy for stopping by and letting us do the snippysnap camera thing, and to all my happy voting peeps out there in Blogville – Enjoy!


Senior Quick Teaser || With Sierra!

You want to know how awesome Sierra is?  Well, I’m not even going to tell you – you’re just gonna have to experience it for yourself.  Because some awesome is just better found out on your own, and when you do find out you realize just how lucky you are.

Like how we realized how lucky we were to be working this this wonderful lady on a day not all that long ago!  But these words shall be kept brief, and you will join us in sending MuchLove to Sierra for giving us a little bit of her time, and to all you happy peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!


Senior Quick Teaser || Abby!

Sometimes beauty can not be put into words.  But if it could be put into words, these would be the words.

Those were the words.

With that in mind, let us give MuchLove to Abby for stopping by the o&j, and to all my peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!
