Dig This. Natalie!

Prepare yourself.  For I’m about to lay down some pictographic goodness on you.  I know it’s just Monday (although when you’re reading this it might be another day, but there is no need to go down some rabbit hole of philoshphical thoughts on this subject) and your brain might not be fully prepared for awesome, but you just need to buck up and get with the program here, OK?  We clear?  Good.

Because below these words is a samplesnap from the Senior Portrait session of the one & only Natalie!  She arrived at our studio of Otis & James (mostly James, Otis likes to hide) and she was ready to make some pictographic goodness happen.  And she succeeded.  But you don’t need to these silly old words to clue you in, you just need to look at the goods below.

Before you do, however, we need to give MuchLove to Natalie for stopping by, and to all you shiny happy blog peeps – Enjoy!


Git Down Now…It’s Loran!

I’m ditching the whole idea behind a ‘quick teaser’ post.  It’s not permanent, it’s just for the time being.  Because I’m going to be frank here – pretty much all, in fact all of these posts that I’m going to be putting up are for lovely seniors that have already received their proofs and have been looking at their images for some time now.

But I guess that if you don’t know these good senior peeps they will be a quick teaser for you, and I guess if that you are a senior that hasn’t figured out how to look at your photo’s these posts will be a surprise to you, but unless you’ve been sleeping for a really long time and have refused to check your e.mail I doubt that this is the case.

Regardless of all this conjecturing and whatnot, it’s time for us to post a samplesnap from the Senior Portraits of Loran!  You know what I’m going to say, something along the lines of ‘there was a time’ ‘FunCenter’, etc. – so I won’t bore you with that.  Instead I’m just going to give MuchLove to Loran for letting us be a part of his senior year, and to all of you good peeps out there in Land of Blog just waiting for spring to begin – Enjoy!


A Senior Quick Teaser || With Ty!

Sometimes you gotta sit back and smell the roses.  What does that have to do with this post?  Nothing.  Nothing at all.  I’m just at a point where I feel I should dispense unsolicited life advice before I start up with anything.  And be sure to look both ways before crossing.

Now that I have that out of my system, it’s time for us to take a little bit of time to spend some time with the one and only Ty!  Well, we’re not really going to sit down and ‘hang’ with him, as the kidz like to say, but we’re going to see a picture.  And that’s going to have to be good enough, because he’s a busy man with things going on and we can’t just expect him to drop everything just so we can all sit around a table and talk about the weather or whatever it is that we like to talk about.

So, we need to send MuchLove to Ty for taking time out of his life and spending a little bit of it with us, and we need to remind all of the peeps out there in Blogland keepin’ it real to – Enjoy!


Categorized as Seniors

A Senior Quick Teaser || It’s Kayla!

What better way to start your week than with the ever-lovely Kayla?!  Since I can’t hear any of you telling me there is a better way to start my week, I’m going to assume that I am once again correct.  This is a majestic power I wield, hearing my own voice all of the time, but enough about me.

We need to give Kayla MuchLove for stopping by Center of Fun, or FunCenter, or whatever it is that you want to call it, and we need to tell all of you happy people out there in Land of Blog to – Enjoy!


Categorized as Seniors