Well, We Got To Have Faith!



I apologize for that.  It’s just that…well…I’ve done just a little over 2,400 of these here blog posts, and the titles…oh lawdy lawd…the titles.  They vex me.  I try not to take the easy way out.  I want to do everything in my power not to reference popular culture songs, but as a child of the ’80’s, there are some things that I can not avoid.  On the plus side, faith is a wonderful thing to have – it is something non-tangible that gets us through our darkest moments, it helps us to believe in something greater.  So could there really be anything better than faith?  I think not.

And now that we have philosophical ideas out of the way, this Faith – with a capital F – couldn’t have been any better to work with!  As if it’s work.  Well, technically I wasn’t even there for the shoot and Jamie did all of the work, so for me it truly wasn’t work, but that’s a whole different story.  The point being that I’m here now and Faith was there then and she was absolutely wonderful – and that’s all you gotta know!  So let’s just give MuchLove to Faith for letting us be a small part of her senior year, and to all my other good peeps out there enjoying this beautiful day in Blogland – Enjoy!

And Who Do We Have Here? Well, It’s Alison!



Nothing, my friend, runs like a Deere.  But nothing, my good peeps, could make a JD even better than if every single one came with its very own Alison – because then they would be absolutely perfect!  While the engineers at John Deere work on human cloning and whatnot, let us instead just be thankful for this one Alison atop the green machine – because she was 100% perfect in every way and made our seniorpictosnapping job oh so easy!

We need to send MuchLove to Alison for being so completely awesome, and to all you awesome peeps out there enjoying these blessed hot days of summer before the cursed days of winter arrive (well, that took on an ominous tone at the end there) – Enjoy!

Check it. It’s Olivia!



You call doing what we do work?  Heck no.  Not with wonderful peeps like the one & only Olivia!  People like here pretty much make our day just about as wonderful as it can be.  So MuchLove to Olivia for stopping by FunCenter & letting us take your senior pictosnaps, and to all my happy people out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

Take Heed…It’s Kelly!


And all was right with the Universe.  MuchLove to Kelly for being so beautiful, and to all my good peeps out there in Blogville – Enjoy!


Ashley & Andrew

Even though it’s been said many, many times…the greatest of these – Love!

Or in our case, MuchLove!

Thank you so much to this beautiful couple and their incredibly awesome wedding party for making this such a fantastic day.  And to all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

Categorized as Weddings

Staci & James

It was a beautiful day, and they did not let it get away!



Categorized as Weddings


Janae Praise God even when you dont understand what He’s doing.

Categorized as O&J