McCormick. Straight Up.

Let’s continue this SeniorSunday (or for those of you that are too kook for skool #seniorsunday) thing with a post about a man that I like to call McCormick.  And maybe there are others out there that call him this same name too.  In fact, I’m almost positive that there are.  Like his friends.  His family.  Schoolmates (is that a word still?  It seems so 19th century) – whatever the case may be, I do believe that they may call him this same name too.  So I’m not alone in this notion of calling him that.

So, McCormick stops by the otis to the james and he needs some pictures taken because he’s graduating from high school and needs to have some of those pics that the seniors take because time has flown by and he’s practically in college and everyone is like ‘what the heck happened it seems just like yesterday when he was starting kindergarten’ or whatever it is that they are thinking.  But I’m not here to delve into the psyche of what people may or may not be thinking, I’m just here to tell you that we wound up taking this senior pics and the rest is up to you.

But not only did we take his senior pics, but we had a great time doing so – and it’s all thanks to McCormick.  So we’d like to take a moment to send MuchLove to him for letting us be a little part of his senior year, and to all of you good peeps out there in Land of Blog just doing whatever it is that you do – Enjoy!


Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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