Time For Some Ethan.

Like the title says, my friends, it’s time for some Ethan time.  Or, the time is now for Ethan time.  Time Time Ethan Time.  Just choose whichever you would like it really doesn’t matter to me because the only thing that matters to me is that it’s time for us to take a quick look at a couple of snaps from the time (ugh gotta stop with time) when Ethan stopped by the Otis & the James to have his Senior Pictures taken.  So it’s that time.

And that time is the best time because that time is now, dig?  Actually I have no idea what I’m even typing anymore so I’m just going to wrap this thing up by sending MuchLove to Ethan for letting us be a small part of his senior year, and to all you other good & happy pics out there with your time – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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