It’s Monday. It’s Adam.

The title of this post says it all.  We stand at the beginning of another week and we try to work up the energy to be excited for what this week has to offer.  Will it be good?  Will it be great?  Will it be incredible?  Will it be all of the above?  So many questions, and I’m afraid that li’l ol’ me doesn’t have the answer for you – you’re gonna have to find out for yourself.

What I can tell you is that we are going to start this week off with some samplesnaps of the one & only adam (even though I’m sure that there are many other Adam’s in this world the only one that matters right now within the confines of this interweb post are this Adam and that’s all you need to know.)  So take a minute to think about the week ahead.  And then take a longer moment to check out the goodness that are the sweetlysweet pictosnaps of the ever awesome Adam.  And then go about your week.  These are your orders.  Oh, and MuchLove to Adam for taking a couple of minutes to stop by FunCenter and getting some pics taken, and to all you happy peeps out there trying to figure out if your week is going to be great or awesome – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

2015 Seniors on Facebook!

Categorized as Seniors

Jennifer Time.

As title of this post states, it’s Jennifer time.  And what does that mean to you, the loyal looker of all things pictures on the o to the j?  It means that it’s time to look at some lovely samplesnaps from the oh so lovely Jennifer, which in turn will make your day even more wonderful than it already is.  So basically, you’re about to get a pretty good deal and the price of admission is free.  Not bad…not bad.

I could go on and on about how our time with Jennifer was absolutely wonderful, but that would be taking away from the time that you should be gazing at just how awesome she is, and that would be a disservice to everyone.  So I will instead send MuchLove to Jennifer for being so awesome to work with, and to all my good peeps out there in Blogville doing whatever it is that you do to get yourself through the day – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

Dig Now It’s Aubree!

We’ve gotten off to a great start here at the Otis & James Center for the Study of Pictographic Goodness, and that statement can be proven by the samplesnaps of the one & only Aubree!  I could go on and on about how she was awesome and the shoot was incredible and all that jazz, but all you gotta do is look at the snaps below these dumb words and you’ll know that I’m telling you the straight story.

But enough of these dumb words, let’s get to the part where I send Aubree MuchLove for letting us be a small part of her senior year, and I tell all you good peeps out there in BlogLand to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

Here we go. It’s Scotty!

Words.  Words go here.  And words saying that this is the first blog post of the 2015 Senior Season are going here.  And those words are there now.  So my work is done.  All I gotta do from here on out is just send MuchLove to Scotty for choosing the o and the j for the senior pics, and to all you good peeps out there in Land of Blog (LOB) – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

2014 Wedding Love!

2014 Portrait Love!


Categorized as Portraits