
Hello there! Thanks for stopping by this relatively dead corner of the photography universe! Just a quick note to let you know what you’re looking at (yes I know that’s a bad sentence but just stick with me, alright?) This current form of is actually the original website that started this whole thing off… Continue reading Housekeeping

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But I believe in Love And I know that you do too And I believe in some kind of path That we can walk down, me and you So keep your candles burning And make her journey bright and pure That she will keep returning Always and evermore   [audio:intomyarms.mp3]

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Grumble Rumble Grumble Grumble (GRGG)

That is the sound of a sleeping Otis being awoken.  Take heed, good peeps of blog…there’s about to be some sweet sweet photographic goodness coming on down the pipeline right now.  You ready?  Great.  Let’s do this thang.

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Oh heck now…

It’s time for us to jump back into the world of bloggers.  I told you this would take many days, and I remain a man of my word!  So, without any further interruption, let’s get back to the business at hand – looking at happy shiny happy pictures!

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