Levi & Shana!

Our Saturday continued with super-special appearance by new friends of Otis & James, Levi & Shana!  At first, it looked (probably more so to them) that we wouldn’t be able to hook up on this lovely day.  But after phone calls, a little bit of investigative work, and a little consternation (I’m not quite sure if that is the proper usage of that word, but sometimes you just gotta go with a work that seems to work) the melding of these two worlds (again, melding – not even sure that this is a legitimate word, but I’m livin’ on the edge, baby) indeed came to fruition, and it was a fruition in style (now, I know for sure that one can not have fruition in style, but I’m going to do it)!

To break it down in to regular english, this happy couple came to the studio and rocked it up good – they tore the roof off of it – they burned the place down (etc., etc. – I’m sure you get my drift).  We are happy that everything came together, and that the trip to town was not wasted!  We thank them for their patience, and for being so great to work with.  Seeing as how I’ve created about a 74% gibberish post, I will stop typing and move on to some of the goods from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement