The Divine Ya Ya’s of Something Or Another

There are all sorts of pseudo-witty titles that could have been assigned to this post, but I’ll save you all from them. Titles such as, “Double your fun with Anne & Elise”, or “Seeing Double in the Park”, or maybe even “Psycopharmicology: Truth or Urban Legend.” Any of these could have worked. Instead it’s something about divine ya ya’s, which in retrospect could be taken in the wrong way, but I’m really just goofin’ on a book.

Either way, we had the opportunity of spending a little time today working with these splendid young ladies (one of which is long-time blog-reader/sometimes poster – but you’ll have to guess which one)! Here’s some of the stuff – Enjoy!!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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