Blogathon v.1 – Patty

First up in our day of entries is the lovely and so friendly Patty. We had the pleasure of working with her this past Tuesday (we are soooooooooo behind with this). She came down to our studio (now our old studio), and we then voyaged around the downtown area, and in the process got a ton of great stuff!

We were then going to continue our voyage to far away places (actually not all that far away), but good ol’ Mother Nature kind of covered up the sun. So we had to suspend play for the evening, but come back soon to see the thrilling conclusion to our shoot. For now, here’s some samples of our time together – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. These are very cute and sweet photo’s but are threre more? She has grown up!! doesn’t even look like her,and more… She is now a WOMAN!! 🙂

  2. There are ideed more photo’s – we had to break the session up, so there are two different entries. If you go back to the first page of the blog and look in the upper right hand corner, you will find a search box in which you can enter Patty and then click search.

    The results will lead you to both posts, and just click the title of the post to see the photo’s. That was a really confusing explanation, but good luck!


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