
Just when we thought the sun would never come out again, come out it did, and with perfect timing for our shoot with Mary! We had to delay the start of the shoot a little bit, but thank goodness we did – as the sun emerged from it’s hiding place behind the clouds and beamed us all with its radiant love!

Mary was awesome – totally great to work with, and really turned it on for the shoot (I’m not sure what that means, but it’s a good thing – did I just quote Martha Stewart?) Forget all of this nonsense that I spew, and let’s instead just say thank you to Mary and her lovely assistant (sister) – and also to special guest star boyfriend at the end of the shoot! So, with no further adieu I present Mary (0r at least a photographic representation of her) – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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