Missy…The Conclusion

Missy…what can we say other than thank you for being so great to work with! You totally owned your shoot. I’m not sure what that means, but it’s true. Thank you to Mom for the coffee, and thank you to Mother Nature for an absolutely beautiful evening, thank you to the geese for their insane loudness, and thank you to the woodpecker for making Missy laugh! Most important, thanks to Missy for her hard work (standing on tables and what not.)

Take a look at her last post here, and take a look at these – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Whats up missy? You have some tremendously hott pics. I am suprised to not see one with Tinkerbell though. You need to go back and get some more taken with u and the Tinkmeister. Call me.


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