Katrina in the Evening!

This very chilly day came to a splendid conclusion with a visit from our western friend, Katrina and her assistants (Dad & L-O-L-A Lola!) To be sure, Lola was not of the human persuasion, and more of the canine type. Regardless of all this about a dog named Lola, we’re here tonight to instead talk about a human named Katrina!

Not just a human named Katrina, but a human that was totally and completely freakin’ sweet to work with! She brought out her A-game tonight, and the results were not just fantastic, but Super-Fantastic! I know, totally insane…but true. Katrina rocked it up, and we thank her and her faithful band for taking the time to make the trip east to see us. Perhaps someday I will make it west to their neck of the woods, but I don’t want to rush into anything.

Well, enough of my fear of going any further west than Minot, and let’s move on to the highlights from the shoot – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Matt & Jamie,
    Really great pictures of Trina!!!
    Can’t wait to see more.

    You guys are really cool. A real
    pleasure to meet you.
    Trina’s pop

  2. You are so beautiful and I love you so much! Believe in the goodness you are in your sweet heart and expect no less from others. Allow that to unfold in all ways of expression. You are always in my heart. Mom

    hey goreous one-ya know this is a new beginning? so i say keep it up and other opportunities will come up!!!
    so at leaast have a safe and good time for this remainder of this school year. mucho mucho felicidades for you and let’s go to BAJA!!!!! mom cried when she saw your pictures.

    love and lite and give me a call or send me an email at arnoldslegers@comcast.net—–ARNOLD

  3. hey goreous one-ya know this is a new beginning? so i say keep it up and other opportunities will come up!!!
    so at leaast have a safe and good time for this remainder of this school year. mucho mucho felicidades for you and let’s go to BAJA!!!!! mom cried when she saw your pictures.

    love and lite and give me a call or send me an email at arnoldslegers@comcast.net—–ARNOLD

  4. You are so beautiful! I love you so much! Remember to accept the sweetness you are in your heart and expect no less from others. May you move from that place within in all ways of expression. You are always in my heart forever! love, mom


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