Off With The Turkey, On With The Couples!

Oh now, some people spend the day after Thanksgiving running around shopping malls, assaulting each other for video games and what not, but we like to do things a little more relaxed around the Otis & James Super Store (no relation to the Wally-World Super Empire.)

Instead of all this insanity, we spent a little quality time with old, old friends of James – Aaron & Katie (well, Aaron is old school, and Katie is new-old school.) This next summer, we are going to be spending a little more time with them as we are lucky enough to have been selected to be their wedding photographers! We are anxiously awaiting this special day, but for now take a little sneak-peek at our friends – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

1 comment

  1. LOVE THEM! I was so excited to see Aaron and Katie on the website- not surprised that Aaron never told me, of course. 🙂 But they look fabulous and they couldn’t have picked more fabulous photographers for their big day as well!


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