Kelly & Nikki!

Today we had the good fortune of meeting some new Otis & James friends, Kelly & Nikki! They came from a place far away to be with us (I speak as if we live in a time in which travel across a state is a far fetched idea). This super-rockin’ duo was a blast to work with, and we look forward to their wedding day!

For now, we will have to tide ourselves over with some of their fantastic engagement photographs – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Hey Nikki!
    Cute photos! I hope you guys had a great Christmas, haven’t talked to you in so long we need to catch up! How are the wedding plans going. Were you guys able to catch up with Katie and Steve in Tioga at all or did you have to work over CHristmas? Again, supercute photos! I love them.

  2. Cute pics Nikki and Kelly!! I love them. You two are so darn cute together:) Well I can’t wait till the big day! Happy New Year!! Love ALyssa

  3. Nikki and Kelly, What a good looking couple. I love your pictures. You could make this a profession. Looking good, have a great 1006. Hugs, Claudia Tande

  4. You have totally awesome pictures. You had such a beautiful wedding. We loved it! Your pictures are really amazing.


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