All I Want For New Years…

Is two front teeth. Not for the same person, but for two different people. I don’t know if you’re out there, tooth fairy (is it still OK to call it – and no offense by it, it’s just that I’m not sure on the whole him/her thing – that?), but if so, we’re at Six North Main. There’s a sign on the building, pretty easy to find.

The boys that you’re looking for go by the last name ‘Bechtold’.

Gods Speed, You Old Fairy.

Jamie & Brittany (am I being forced out – I mean, my name comes first??) had the great pleasure of working with the Children of Bechtold this past morning, and judging by the final product I would say that fun was had by all!

We thank these young men for taking time out from their day for us, and wish them many more teeth in the years to come – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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