Chad & Jen!

We concluded our week (I know, it’s a little late) – last week, with a visit from an old friend (Jen) and her faithful sidekick (Chad)!  They stopped by the Otis & James Pleasure Palace for some super-fantastic Valentines Portraits!

This loverly couple was absolutely wonderful to work with, and we would like to thank them for coming down to the studio and helping us conclude our Monday – Friday week in such a pleasant way!  Cheers to them for this, and to everyone else (and them too – whoever them may be, but in this case it is indeed Chad & Jen) – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. wow…so far, pics look great! can’t wait until you guys get the gallery up! it was a fun time, and oh yeah…if i know of anyone that needs an entry level “adult film director”, matt, we’ll give ’em your name!! 🙂

  2. Jennifer and Chad…your portraits are to die for. These pictures are some of the best that I have seen ever as far as local photography is concerned.


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