
Yesterday afternoon we welcomed new friend of Otis & James Brianna to the studio for some sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet-bippy-style Por-Traits!

Even though we have previously never had the opportunity to work with this awesome individual, we knew she would be great to work with as we had previously had the great pleasure of working with both her older brother and sister!

So, before she embarked on a journey to a warmer climate, Brianna and her lovely assistant (the always pleasant Mom!) came down to the studio, and full on rocking commenced. As expected, she was awesome, and we got a ton of great schtuuuuf!

Enough with all these word, let’s get to some pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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