It’s Stefanie…Y’all…and Don’t You Forget It!

Going back again inside the Otis & James Time Machine (the exterior of which is painted pink, the interior covered in wall to wall green shag carpeting, and the walls are painted in various shades of turquoise and what could best be described as a lime-like color…I think…we really need to have the interior person come back and explain to us just what kind of a feel it is that we are going for here, as I was thinking that we would have more of that stainless steel futuristic thang, but I guess I’m not on the same plane of consciousness as they are), we find ourselves having an awesome conclusion with a visit from our deluxe new friend, the always lovely and talented Stefanie!

She, along with a merry band of assistants came to the studio, literally, ready to rock (as evidenced by various rocking and/or rolling instruments), and it brings me great pleasure to announce that indeed, both rocking and rolling occured – and it was done in style!

Our time together was all to fleeting, but we will always have these photo-graphs to remind us of what once was…ahhh…the power of the photo-graphs. Never misunderestimate them. A huge thank you to Stefanie for the visit, and now, instead of continued words strung together in a ramshackle way (is that a word??) in order to conjure up some sort of a sentence, I suggest that we go instead to the colorful part of the post – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Hey..Matt and Jaime, seriously. EXACTLY what I wanted to see. I love them too much take ’em away. Just kidding. I dont know how to really thank you these pics are the best. Seriously. I mean that so much. I’m pretty much gonna marry the acoustic guitar one. But anyway I can’t wait to see the rest like the totally sweet MSU sand volleyball court ones. Haha. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The pleasure was all ours – you were totally sweet. Totally. And it is alright if you want to marry the acoustic one. peace out!

  3. Stef…what an effin hottie. Your pictures all look amaaaaaaaaazing…I can’t wait to go back there and do mine!!! Great job guys, I’m officially pumped for September.


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