Melting with Kaley!

Our Monday kept on keeping on, and up next was a visit from the resplendent Kaley! We knew that it was going to be a little on the warm side during our session, but we had no idea that it would actually warm up to 274º F during the session. It was actually the hottest recorded temperature ever on the earth. But did she let that keep her down?

NO! No, I tell you, she did not. In fact, she didn’t even let the heat phase her. She kept saying how she wished she would have brought some more layers, as she felt a little chill. She kept on telling us to turn up the heat in the car. She even bundled in a blanket during in between shots. This ‘crazy, like a fox’ strategy worked well, as the results of our time together, were in a word, mmmmmmyyeaaaaaaaaaahsuperpertacticaliscous!

At the end of the shoot, she looked at the camera, said ‘that’s a wrap’, and melted into a resplendent puddle, which also happens to be the name of the band that I’m putting together.

The End.

Bet you didn’t see that ending coming, now did ya.

Much Love to Kaley.


All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. ah kaley! adorable! i just tried to call you and tell you that your pics were up but i think you are probably sleeping! ok they are GORGEOUS. much love yo

  2. Kaley Nicole!!!! I just love your pics. They are sweet, fun, smiley, happy, “resplendent”, glowing…. and absolutely beautiful. They are just perfect. I am so proud to be your mom. Thanks, Kaley for being you!!
    And, thanks Otis & James!!

  3. You’re beautiful Sweetzie! Like Grandpa would say, “You are going to break some necks”! I love you to bits!


  4. SISSY!!! Your pics are absolutely the best I ever did see! You are a GORGEOUS girl! I love you!

  5. OMG! I LOVE MY PICS! Thank you sooo much otis and james! I had sooo much fun on the shoot and can’t wait to see them all! Thanks again!

  6. Pal- Your pics are AWESOME!!! You look stunning. I can’t wait to see the rest. Love ya!

  7. Them were some great pictures. The one with the cross was amazing. your really photogenic and I cant wait to see the rest of them.

    Jordan Lucy

  8. KALLEY—Your pictures look great, of course we think YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have been smiling since the day you were born. We love you very much…..Grandpa and Grandma and Maurie and Ann.

  9. Wow Kaley, you are such a beautiful girl! My fave is #2 with the curly hair, but they are all awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Hey Kaley! Your pictures are so much fun! You are a beautiful young womon. 🙂

  11. Kaley! If you just aren’t the most gorgeous girl in the world, then I just don’t know who is! I hope i said that right, anyways your senior pictures are to die for!!! You are gorgeous and beautiful at the same time! I loved then and I can’t wait to see the rest!

  12. 08/01/06

    What can I say when you have our blood line, they are so cute all of them. Your smile is just like your dad’s, you have a great Smile and it will take you places. It’s hard to think that you are a Sr. this year it just seems like your parents just got married today…Hey wait it is there ann I think that it must be about 25 years for them so make sure you wish them a HAPPY ONE from the Weber Clain!!!

  13. Kaley,

    We just got back from vacation and looked at your pics. STUNNING! BEAUTIFUL!


    Kraig, Frannie, Carson, Kenzie, and Lexi

  14. I luv u kaley! U have really pretty pics! i can’t wait til’ i c the rest!
    your cuz kenzie

  15. Cute Cute Cute! That’s all I can say! You are such a glamorous girl and Otis and James did such a nice job of capturing that. The stained glass pictures are so original and breath taking. Those are definetely my faves! Be sure to show me the rest if you want to hear more about how beautiful of a girl you are!

  16. Kaley..I cannot believe you are all grown up! I still think of you holding hands with Grant at age 3 or so..!! Beth

  17. Wow, Bill-Marla, LOCK THE DOORS!! *just kidding* Kaley, you are an absolurety beautiful young lady! Your portrait paints a picture of a fun, smart, well balanced and clearly full of life young lady!! My hats off to you!!! THe bottom one with teh blue background reminds me of you Mom…Best wishers! Susan Grzeskowiak


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