New Look…Same Ol’ Blog

Umm…you may have noticed that it looks a little different around here…but don’t be scared! It’s the same ol’ blog, it’s just spruced up a little bit, that’s all! So keep on bloggin’, homeslices!

Oh…and one more thing.  Have you ever considered using Firefox as your internet browser?  It’s much more friendly that stinky old Internet Explorer (sorry Microsoft, but it’s true.)  The internet is a far more enjoyable and a much better looking thing through the eyes of Firefox.  Check out the link here!  That’s it, go and blog.

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. its alright i feel right at home still. what a lovely blog

    i already have firefox.

    its a nice INTERNET browser. not interntet. come on now O..get with the spelling program.

    haha just kidding. much love from your proofreader

  2. Might I say O & J (non-intentional rhyming), that you have an extraordinary reception-ary (receptinist/secretarial), personnel. Just thought you should know…..see you Thursday!
    Lindz B!

  3. We only carry the best, brightest, and most talented that society has to offer! At first, we thought that we should find the worst, dimmest, and least talented, but later changed our minds.

    I’ll pass along the kind words!

    otis out.


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