Do You Think You Can Handle One From Lexi??

Or two..or three…or four…or five…but can you handle six?? This is the question that I pose to all of you peeps out there in blogland. Now, you may have thought that you could handle one, or maybe even two, but I think you may have to sit back and truly ask yourself if you can handle the sheer volume of awesomelisciousness that is six glorious snaps of the one and only Lexi!

There is no way for me to describe, in the limited grunt like speak that I try to pass off as being the english language, how sweet the snaps we got during our time with the lovely Lexi (I do love the alliteration!) There is no way for me to really put into words the righteousosity that was our time with Lexi, no way for you to truly understand these things.

So, instead of rambling on with some sort of pseudo-deranged rambling on and on about one thing or another that may, but probably doesn’t have anything to do with the post, they’re just words that are there for the sake of being there, which also happens to be the working title of my autobiography (Words For The Sake of Being There: The Story of Otis), which will only delay your looking at her totally awesome sample snaps, I will just say ‘Thank You’ to the one and only Lexi for being so great to work with, and to the rest of you foo’s out there in blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. These pics are so awesome. I was so excited to see them. Thanx for being so great. I hope the rest of them look just as good as these. Thanx Again.

  2. your pictures are wonderful! .. u’re beautiful in all ways! .. cant wait to see the rest!! always Heidi

  3. Hey Beautiful .. Your pictures turned out awesome! I love them! I can’t wait until your other ones come! Otis and James you guyz did AWESOME! .. Love you Lexi .. Your Little Sista

  4. Lexi you are beautiful and wonderful. Your brilliant hair flows in the air like leaves in a crisp fall day. Your beautiful blue eyes remind me of the blue twilight of the moon. Your graceful and elegant personality makes me leap for joy.

    Love Always,
    Your lover forever and ever til death,
    Annie Klebster

  5. Awsome pics Lexi, You look great. I cant believe we are graduating this year,just seems like yesterday, when we were doing our modeling show he he 🙂 Well good job
    Love always


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