Jade & Erica

Our adventure continued. This time it fell at the feet of a lovely couple that goes by the names of Jade & Erica. They live in a far away place called the Cities Twin, or, if you want to fit in with their culture you would call them the Twin Cities.

They returned to their native land, to the land of Dakota (I should write for ND Tourism if I keep this up…all we need is that man with the deep and gravely voice to do the voice-over work…give them a call sometime and you’ll know what I mean), in order to celebrate their vows, or, if you want to fit in to their culture, you would call say to ‘celebrate their marriage!

What I’m really trying to say here, in a really really really convoluted way is that if we go off into the O&J Wayback Machine, to a place called a couple of Sats (that’s photo-graphic shorthand lingo for Saturday, squares ((and that’s super-double lingo for those which are not in the photo-graphic know))) ago we had the good fortune of being a part of the gorgeous wedding that was the wedding of Jade & Erica (does that make sense??)!!

It was beautiful, straight up. There are all sorts of complimentary adjectives that I could use, but I don’t know if any of them could really do justice to the lovelyosity, or gorgeousness that was this day. We just thank our lucky stars of photo-graphs that we were a part of it, and to the newly-wed couple, we say thank you for letting us do just that. You got it? Well, seeing as how my writing indicates that I may have suffered a brain injury somewhere after the first three words, I think it best if I just say thanks to all that made this day so great, and to y’all that are a part of the ether out there in blogland – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. WOW…You look BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the dresses…so cute!! I wish I could of made it back for it! I want to see more pics so you better send some! Congrats hun!!
    Love ya

  2. Holy Crap you look absolutely amazing!! I am so glad we were able to share your day with you. You and Jade are the true definition of “True Love”!! I am so happy for the two of you. Please share the other photos when they come!
    Love you and missing you always,

  3. Erica and Jade,

    Your photos are out of this world,
    “hats off to Otis & James”.
    Can’t wait to see more of the photos.
    You two are the cuties little
    couple I think I have ever seen.
    It was my absolute pleasure to host your wedding.
    We have to be so thankful for the beautiful day.
    Have fun you little honeymooners.
    Sending my love,


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