Our Old (Not That Old) Friend, Sara!

Dear Diary,

We spent a little bit of quality time with our old friend, Sara, to tie up a couple of loose ends from last year (like the fact that the Gods would not cooperate with us at all during any part of our outdoor session.) This time, however, was different (umm…imagine that being said with that really deep voice that the guy from movie previews uses.)

It was like, destiny for those previous times to not have worked out, because this time was like, freakin’ awesome! It all came together perfectly; sun, wind, temperature, you name it – it was perfect! I may not understand the plan sometimes, but I do know that we sure are thankful that we got to spend this little bit o’ quality time with Sara, ’cause like, I was starting to wonder if there was some sort of a grand conspiracy.

But, tonight proved otherwise, and I can just put all of that conspiracy talk aside, unless you ask me about that whole JFK thing.

Alright, my dear Diary, it’s time for us to close it up and move to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. sarra!! these are so pretty! how have you beeen. i miss you, call me and catch up sometime!!

  2. Hey Sara! Haven’t talked to you forever. Hope you remember me. i was on here checking out if my brother’s engagement pictures were up yet and i came across your pictures. They look so great! You still look beautiful as the last time that i saw you! Hope you’re doing great! where are you at these days? email me back at my address above! Later Girl!


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