Cameron & Ashlee


What mere words can I attach to this post that will do it justice?

How can I possibly stuff all of the total and complete awesomeness that was the wedding of Cameron & Ashlee into some simple words?

So, Instead, I’m just going to give thanks to all that made this day possible, and especially to the wedding party and Bride & Groom for being so absolutely crazily wonderful to work with!

RockStars, one and all – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Oh my dear goodness!!!!

    Such beauty in my family!!

    Thank you Ashlee and Cameron for the wonderful experience.

    You look flawless, and I’m proud to be related to you.

    Much love and happiness in the many years to come!

  2. This was the most beautiful wedding ever….Ashlee & Cam should win the most gorgeous wedding couple of the year 🙂 These pictures are only a glimpse of the adventures we experienced on Sept. 2nd!! Otis & James are amazing!! True Rock Starz themselves……Thank you for everything!!! LouLou

  3. Congratulations, on your big day! Your pictures are fantastic. It looks like it was a beautiful beginning, for a fantastic future.

    -Sarah (The Bridal Shop, Fargo)

  4. Congratulations on your big day! The pictures turned out beautiful! Again, thanks for letting me be a part of your big day 😉 !!


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