Luke & Becca

Many moons ago, when young Otis was not yet again Otis, and was hiding out using the name ‘Matt’, he had the good great gosh almighty pleasure of working with a young lady by the name of Becca! Becca was friendly and bright – always ready with a smile, ready to turn that frown upside down! If we were to travel in the WayBackMachine, we would find that I never in a million years thought that I would be lucky enough to be not just at her wedding, but the actual photographer!

But here we were, all these years later. It was no longer Becca, it was now Luke & Becca, and it’s not Matt anymore, it’s back to Otis. And, of all crazy things, I actually was the person that took her wedding photographs! Crazy! And, let me tell you something else…their day was absolutely gorgeous, and we were so lucky to be included in the festivities!

We had a great time working with this lovely couple and their equally lovely wedding party, and I don’t think the day could have been any more wonderful! We would like to offer up some thanks to one and all involved with the wedding for being so great to work with, and we would also like to offer up a heartfelt congratulations to Becca & Luke on their marriage – you guys were gorgeous!

Alright, before I get too sappy here, me thinks it’s time for us to leave these words behind, and instead let ourselves go into a world of colorful pixels, or, pictures. Without any further delay, Luke & Becca – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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