
Knock Knock.

Who’s There?


Awesome Who?


That’s how good Liz is…she doesn’t even really need to have a punchline, as it doesn’t make a difference to you or anyone else whether or not it makes any sense, because she doesn’t care.

You see (and, btw, it looks like I love to start my sentences the expression ‘you see’ – we all gotta have our weaknesses, and mine is iced cream and vulgarity, which, coincidentally, was the name of my boy band that I used to sing in during my High School years, but really, who wants to hear about this part of my life?) Liz was absolutely fantastical to work with, and the results are not to be found in my dumb words, the resutls are instead to be foundin what we like to call the SampleSnaps.

Before we go down this freshly paved road, we need to give thanks to Liz Almighty for being so great to work with, and for having so many wonderful ideas! You made the shoot awesome, we just provided beverages and a camera (which, again was the name of a glam rock heavy metal outfit that I used to sing backup with during the late eighties), and she brought the awesome. Much[love] to Liz for doing this, and to all of you out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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