The Men of Kjos!

The Men of Kjos are strong & brave.
The Men of Kjos are witty & charming.
The Men of Kjos shower with Evian.
The Men of Kjos eat gold plated cereal…because they can.
The Men of Kjos once saved North Dakota from a South Dakota invasion.
The Men of Kjos will play with a kitten one moment, and fight a wolf the next.
The Men of Kjos refuse to eat tofu, because they don’t wan’t to hurt the soy.
The Men of Kjos wrote all of the good Beatles songs (which is all.)
The Men of Kjos won, but were to busy to pick up a Nobel prize.
The Men of Kjos are rebels, but with a cause.
The Men of Kjos are raconteurs.
The Men of Kjos are FunCenter, and FunCenter is Men of Kjos.

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. OK, so it was the BEST Christmas present ever and is it OK to say they are INCREDIBLY handsome???

    Well done!!!

  2. We want to see the historical records of the North Dakota invasion by South Dakota. We don’t think we have heard about this one before. Did the South Dakotians invade for the (gold plated) cereal?

  3. #1 – Probably
    #2 – Definately
    #4 – I’m sure not, I know their mother
    #5 – Really ??!!??!!
    #6 – I believe that!
    #7 – I believe that too, but not to protect the soy!!
    #8 – Don’t think so!
    #9 – Too bad!!!
    #10 – They should move to SC and join the rest!!!
    #11 – What the #*@@ is that??????
    #12 – Finally, the truth!!

    Thanks for the entertainment you crazy Kjos boys!!!!

  4. I can’t stop smiling when “The Men of Kjos” are in the room. Thanks for the pic. It’s a treasure.

  5. ben! .. it’s me … the rainbow photo employee you love so much .. *wink wink* you look pretty shnazzy … ( so do the other Kjos men i suppose 😛 ).. *whistles* i hope you’re having a great, grand AND wonderful time working … i see you at both of your jobs .. it makes my day better haha .. see you later alligator ..


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