Alyssa… One More Time!

Did anyone else just have Daft Punk’s hit song go through their heads? Just as you read the title of this post? I’ve never been 100% sure of the lyrics. “One more time… I want to celebrate… our life. I want to celebrate… our house.” [Pause while actual lyrics are looked up].

“One more time we´re gonna celebrate yeah
Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing
One more time we´re gonna celebrate yeah
Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing
One more time we´re gonna celebrate yeah
Oh yeah all right don´t stop the dancing
One more time we´re gonna celebrate yeah
Oh yeah
One more time”

Well, I was kind of close. Moving on. Some of you may recognize Alyssa from a previous post. Hark! As luck would have it, we got to work with her again. When people like Alyssa return… good things seem to happen. The shoot is usually double the fun, double the excitement, and double the SCHWAZAAM! But for Alyssa, other great things seem to happen as well. The sun was brighter; the grass was greener. Children laughed longer; birds chirped louder. Peace rang throughout the land and everyone got a fuzzy rabbit and a lollipop.

Some people say I exaggerate. I don’t know where they get the idea from.

I’m going to say that last part again, WE ALL GOT FUZZY RABBITS AND LOLLIPOPS. Whoa Alyssa, whoa. Who knew? Well, we here at the FunCenter did, so you better get to know her too. I present to all of you out there (again) Alyssa!


All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


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