
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. hiiiii!
    well i already ‘commented’ you about them. buuut I wanted to do this! cuz it looked exciting!

  2. HEY
    My favorite one is the very first one…the black and white one and u looking down. I love those poses!…and you took a very good one. They all are gorgeous!

  3. Hey Courney,
    I really like the ones of you in the brown shirt with the blueish top underneath.
    ttyl, Jana

  4. holy moly! your photes are awesome! 😀 the first one looks like it should be in a magazine!…i like them all, but i def like the smiling one too janice!…you can def tell the resemblance b/t you and your mom in that one. 😀 beautiful.

  5. Hey courtney! We really like the smiling one:)and nicole likes the first one, they are really cute, you gave me some ideas for next year.Hoping to see more cute ones!

  6. OOO..I love all of them they are beautiful…you are so pretty! I can’t wait to see all of u guys…3 WEEKS!!
    love ya girl

  7. Hey court! I love the pictures. They are so good! i Didn’t know you were a senior this year! I wish I was. I am only a Junior! Well miss you lots! Talk to you later!

  8. Courtney-Great pictues! Just think, with that million dollar smile you could be rich someday!Keep smiling. Maybe some think you resemble your Mom-but never forget you got your Dad,s hair. Dad

  9. WOW!they’re so beautiful!!! I think I’m going to start crying, I was like “you look so old and mature” last time I saw you we were 14!!! I didn’t think it was that long ago…ily courtney, and they are so awesome!

  10. Courtney,
    As a teacher I have watched you grow through the years in to this amazing person. Otis and James did a great job capturing the beautiful person you are!! I cant even pick a favorite pic, cuz they all are beautiful!! Keep smiling!! Mrs. H.


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