All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
Month: November 2007
Kristy & Josh!
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
The Family Landsiedel!
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
Oh..Ho Yo Ho! Yo! Ho Ho! Yo Yo Yo! (Thanksgiving Message from the o&j)
Greetings my fellow citizens of blog. I know there have been many sunrises since I, your benevolent leader have addressed you. I’m sure you’ve been conjecturing as to my whereabouts these past few months, but I’m coming to you on this night of turkey, and thanks, and giving to bring you gloriously good news!
The Otis & James Center for Fun & The Study and Collection of Small Rodents For Medical Research Purposes and Because They’re Small and Furry and Small Furry Creatures Are Cute, So I Like To Have Them Around Because They Make Me Smile (O&JCFF&TSACOSRFMRPABTSAFASFCACSILTHTABTMMS) is happy to announce that we have ripped a gloriously huge tree from God’s good Earth and slapped it right in the heart of the FunCenter! We then took this wondrous tree and covered it from head to toe (I bet you didn’t know that trees had heads, or toes, but I assure you…my Good People of Blog, they do!) with sweetly blinking lights of love! Joy! Hark! Wowwie Wowwie! Yahoo for You!
We are very excited for the upcoming holiday season, and we thought that a big ol’ tree to spruce (whoa, check out my sweet tree pun…let’s see any other benevolent leader of People of Blog ((POB’s, if you will)) do that!) up the front of the Studes (you can call it Studes, but only on the weekend and official holidays and other days at my discression, but there will be penalties if it is called this at any time not delegated by me, your Fearless Leader) would be the parfect way for us to say that we are totally and completely stoked in a million different ways for this time! We invite you to stop in, have a cup of tea…but we really don’t have tea, so you’ll just have to make due with Diet Moutain Dew, and behold the o&j Tree of Love!
I also come to you on this starry night to offer you – our wonderful clients and clients to be – a heartfelt thanks for being the most crucial part of what it is we do around this place. This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for our families, our beautiful friends, and especially everyone that has come through the doors of the FunCenter this past year and allowed us to continue the dream that is our little photo studio! It is because of you that it is possible, and myself (otis), my wonderful partner (james), and awesome support staff (Kinzo, Kacie, Emily, Adam, Maureen, Andy & Suzie) thank you for the gifts you have given us! To say ‘MuchLove’ isn’t enough, but it’s what I’m gonna do anyway.
I promise our communications will not be so few and far between, and we wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and Holiday Season!
And to give you an idea of the size of this tree…Andy is over 8′ Tall.
Ladies…Look what ol’ Santy Claus left under the tree!
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography