SVDBOR v.32 :: The Megan & Beau Edition!

In the fine tradition of saving the best for last, I come to you at this fine hour with just one more. One last blast, the final installment of the St. Valentines Day Blog-o-Rama, and the winner of this wonderful honor (or, if you want to be all emo, ‘honour’) is none other than the superbeautiful dynamic duo of Megan & Beau!

The strolled right on in to the Studio (remember, it’s ‘Studes’ on the weekend, Studio the rest of the week), and brightened up our lives with their patented version of pictographic goodness!

Our time together was wonderful, and we want now to give ManyThanks & MuchLove to Megan & Beau for giving us some of their sweet & precious time, and to all of my good peeps of blog that have been a part of the Saint Valentines Day Blog-o-Rama – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

SVDBOR v.30 :: The Brittany & Ronnie Edition!

The other day, see, we were getting ready to put up the old closed sign, when lo & behold, what should happen but a whole group of beautiful people wander into FunCenter! And…as if that wasn’t enough, it turned out that it was the wedding of Brittany & Ronnie! In fact, it was even on Valentines Day! How Romantical! How Fantastical!

Oh how wonderful they were, and we were so glad that they bopped into FunCenter so fun, and taking our end of the day hum-drums and making them totally righteous!

Congratulations to this wonderful couple, and to all my good Citizens of Blog (COB’s) out there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

SVDBOR v.29 :: The Ariel Edition!

While Ariel was strolling through Downtown Minot having her pictosnaps taken, people were so transfixed by her loveliness, that there were four car crashes, and all of them were still so transfixed, they didn’t even notice.

If you stop by the Downtown zone, don’t be alarmed by four cars in snowbanks. It just means we had a dead sweet shoot with Ariel.

And that’s the rest of of the story.


All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

SVDBOR v.28 :: The Korban Edition!

Korban, you’re awesome. Plain & simple.

And that’s that.

Thank you so much for stopping by FunCenter and giving us some love, and to all of my good peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

SVDBOR Day 6 Update

Ladies & gents, we’re still not done. I’m not giving up yet. The St. Valentines Day Blog-o-Rama is not done. We’re oh so close, so so close.

For those of you that have stayed awake throughout this event, your sleep will soon come. For those of you that did manage to sleep throughout this event, I’m wondering how strong your conviction to Blogville is, and we will definately be bringing this up during the next Blogville City Council Meeting.

Strap yourselves in, and proceed to enjoyment mode.


Categorized as Musings

SVDBOR v.27 :: The Brittany Edition!

Oh Hi! Nice of you to join me here. What’s that you say? It’s late & I better have a good reason to drag you out here this time of night?

Alright, alright…well…I’m just going to let you take in the sweetlysamplesnaps of the one & only & ever lovely Brittany…and then you’ll get it.

Before we do, gotta give MuchLove & ManyThanks to Brittany for being so wonderful! Now – to you, my good Person of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

SVDBOR v.26 :: The Jared Edition!

Had I posed with my car during my senior year of high school, I would have posed with a 1985 Mazda B2000.

It had a front spoiler, a jacked up back end, tinted windows, and a Pioneer tape deck.

I, however, wouldn’t have looked cool with it. I’m the kind of guy, you see, that should pose with a computer (it’s been done…Benjamin D & Kinzo…I’m sending that out to you). Jared rocked it up, looked totally sweet. I would have looked like I had wandered into the pic. Oh well.

Well done, friend! And to my good People of Blog out there in the middle of the night – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

SVDBOR v.25 :: The Children Darrow Edition!

Submitted for your viewing pleasure…The Children Darrow!

Dudes, it was a straight up fiesta party extravaganza.


Oh…and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

SVDBOR v.24 :: The Kellan Edition!

Do you know how to spell the phrase ‘Totally Awesome Little Dude’ in Swahili? Even though I’m a little rusty (it’s been a while since the vision quest)…but I think it is:


Yeah…I’m pretty sure that’s it, because Kellan is on totally awesome little dude. And that’s that.


All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits