BITTE v.7 :: The Family Knox!

What good are family pics without the doggie?  If you know anything about anything at the FunCenter, you know how much we love our doggie and include her in possibly way too much, so – in our opnion (and, in a completely unrelated note, I often type ‘in my onion’, which has a completely different feeling to it, as not too many people consult their onions in their daily lives), the doggie needs to be in the pics.

Take, for example, the everlovely Family Knox!  They know just how true this is, and they brought the doggie to the FunCenter, as FunCenter is a doggie friendly zone (DFZ, not to be confused with DMZ, as that would make the FunCenter not all that much fun) [ed.  Dude, you just typed ‘FunCenter’ about 138 times.  We get it, it’s the FunCenter, now move on.], and we always encourage this!

Enough about the pup, as we also had a completely wonderful time working (if you want to call it work, as there were no hard hats and time clocks) with this wonderful family, and would like to give them all a big ol’ glass of MuchLove & ManyThanks for being so awesome and stopping by FunC….I mean…our studio for the sweetlyfamilysnaps!  Alright, enough of this gibber-ah-jabbera, and let’s get to the goods!  Before we do, don’t forget to – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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